Tuesday, April 26, 2011

It is our choices that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities. - J.K.Rowling.

These days I find it hard to make choices. I spend 20 minutes trying to decide whether to wear blue jeans or black when I'm already running late for tuitions. The color of my jeans will have no significance. No one I know is going to see me. But these insignificant stupid things are what I waste my time on.
Whether to study business or psych. Whether to blog or read a book. Whether to oder McDonalds or eat Maggi. & though all these seem REALLY stupid I spend a hell lot of time deciding each one of them. Guess that is just a way of procrastination.
All these choices cause confusion. & though it seems dopey to be even bothering thinking about these things, let alone dedicating a whole blogpost to them is ridiculous.
I'm just trying to say that I'm in a very weird place right now. Its not just these meaningless things that I can't make up my mind about. Its also whether I want to go to the States for college or not, a choice that I have NEVER questioned before. Whether I really wanna do journalism or am I just picking it because its convenient && its what I'm good at. Wether I wanna live with mom or dad. Whether I wanna be anti-social because life is just easier without having to deal with some people && the drama they bring.
I don't know anything. && sometimes I wonder if everyone goes through this phase. When they're not certain of anything they're doing. & why they're doing it. & that just gets very frustrating.
but its happening to me. I'm baffled by all the options available.
&& then there is always that one never ending dilema :
Which seat can I take? 

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