Thursday, June 2, 2011


A question often asked, does God exist?
Well. I'm agnostic. he may exist. He may not. I don't see how it affects me. I haven't seen spirits or dinosaurs. I believe in them, I guess. Then why not believe in God?
Well, everyone says God is this noble, all-loving creature. & that he is boss of all. Everything is planned by him. Well, if everything in my life is planned by you Mr. I'm-so-awesome-call-me-God then you're a spiteful, sadistic, insecure little bitch.
I'm scared to get too happy. Cuz whenever I do, something bad always happens. & if you're the one who causes this then thanks for being so cruel.
I am just annoyed by everything going wrong in my life & I have no one to blame. Not even myself. Cuz it isn't my fault. Its just how things are :S
So I decide to blame you God dude. Yes, you fucked up & I have to suffer. So I'd appreciate it if you did something nice for me. For once >.<